Thursday, May 11, 2017

no good people

  I found this article titled” Why Don’t Good People Run For Public Office?” Written by Richard Brand   very interesting. The audience he is trying to target I think is the general american voting public. The authors strategic way of opening the article by giving the audience a small reflection gets one thinking regarding our voting choice and the people we have chosen as americans to lead this country. “That is they seem to be people with ideas that are off the chart. They refuse to accept the earth is round. They refuse to accept that science matters. They refuse to believe that the Holocaust happened.” I agree to an extent what this author is saying there are a numerous amounts of obstacles that keep the “normal” american people from running for office. The biggest example the author uses is money, which the author is completely right, when it comes to running for office money is something that is needed. The author gives other points on why good people don't run for public office. I would recommend the general public to read this article.  The author uses evidence from past elections, past events and  current problems we are facing as a nation.

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